Using Lifecycle Hooks in Salesforce Lightning Web Components

Using Lifecycle Hooks in Salesforce Lightning Web Components

A guide to implementing and utilizing LWC lifecycle methods in your Salesforce projects


4 min read


Hi there! ๐Ÿ‘‹ Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC) are a modern, lightweight framework for building user interfaces in the Salesforce platform. One key aspect of LWC is its lifecycle, which allows developers to run specific code at different stages of a component's lifecycle, such as when it is initialized, rendered, or destroyed. In this article, we will explore the various lifecycle hooks available in LWC and provide examples of how to use them in your own projects.

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Lifecycle hooks are methods that are automatically called by the framework at specific points in a component's lifecycle. There are several lifecycle hooks available in LWC, including:

  • constructor(): This hook is called when a component is first created. It is typically used for initializing class properties and setting up the initial state of the component.

  • connectedCallback(): This hook is called when a component is added to the DOM. It is typically used for performing any DOM manipulations or event listeners that are needed by the component.

  • disconnectedCallback(): This hook is called when a component is removed from the DOM. It is typically used for cleaning up any remaining DOM elements or event listeners that were added in the connectedCallback() hook.

  • render(): This hook is called when a component is about to be rendered in the DOM. It is typically used for setting up any dynamic data or state that needs to be reflected in the component's template.

  • errorCallback(): This hook is called when there is an error during the rendering or initialization of a component. It is typically used for handling any errors that may occur and ensuring that the component does not crash.


Here is an example of a simple LWC component that uses some of these lifecycle hooks:

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {
    @track greeting = 'Hello';

    constructor() {
        // Initialize class properties and state
        this.greeting = 'Welcome';

    connectedCallback() {
        // Perform any DOM manipulations or event listeners
        this.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick);

    disconnectedCallback() {
        // Clean up any remaining DOM elements or event listeners
        this.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick);

    render() {
        // Set up any dynamic data or state
        this.greeting = this.getGreeting();

    errorCallback(error, stack) {
        // Handle any errors that may occur

    handleClick() {
        // Handle the click event
        this.greeting = 'Goodbye';

    getGreeting() {
        // Determine the appropriate greeting
        const date = new Date();
        const hour = date.getHours();
        if (hour < 12) {
            return 'Good morning';
        } else if (hour < 18) {
            return 'Good afternoon';
        } else {
            return 'Good evening';

In this example, the constructor() hook is used to initialize the greeting property, the connectedCallback() hook is used to add an event listener for the click event, and the render() hook is used to set the greeting property to a dynamic value based on the current time.


|                                                                    |
|   MyComponent                                                      |
|                                                                    |
|   +------------------------------+                                 |
|   |                              |                                 |
|   |   +-------------------+      |                                 |
|   |   |                   |      |                                 |
|   |   |   Constructor     |      |                                 |
|   |   +-------------------+      |                                 |
|   |                              |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   |   ConnectedCallback   |  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |                              |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   |         Render        |  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |                              |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   |  DisconnectedCallback |  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |                              |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   |     ErrorCallback     |  |                                 |
|   |   |                       |  |                                 |
|   |   +-----------------------+  |                                 |
|   |                              |                                 |
|   +------------------------------+                                 |
|                                                                    |

In this diagram, the constructor() method is called when the MyComponent is first created, the connectedCallback() method is called when the MyComponent is added to the DOM, the render() method is called when the MyComponent is about to be rendered, the disconnectedCallback() method is called when the MyComponent is removed from the DOM, and the errorCallback() method is called if there is an error during the rendering or initialization of the MyComponent.


In conclusion, lifecycle hooks are an essential feature of the Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC) framework. They provide a way for developers to run specific code at different stages of a component's lifecycle, such as when it is initialized, rendered, or destroyed. By using lifecycle hooks, developers can ensure that their components are properly set up and cleaned up, and that they can react to events and changes in data in a predictable and efficient way.


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